He believed if children could learn and easily identify these words then they would be able to read 50 to 75% of any text. Through his examination of a wide variety of children’s books, Dolch was able to pinpoint the words that are most often used by authors of juvenile texts. Dolch wanted to identify key words that are used most frequently in all children’s texts. While any word that a reader is exposed to repetitively can become a sight word, E.W. Similarly, if the reader sees the word into in the sentence, she knows there is movement from one location or idea to another. For example, when a reader is able to identify and understand the word and in a sentence, he knows that there will be multiple figures, actions or descriptors in the sentence. Beyond this, sight words offer important clues about the meaning of a sentence.
By eliminating the need to decode these words, the reader is able to focus on those that are more difficult and less familiar.
When a reader masters sight words she is able to understand at least half of the words in a particular text. Visual and Performing Arts and Industrial Artsīecause they are used so often it is important that readers be able to recognize these words on sight (hence the term “sight words”).Assistant Superintendent of Leadership & Innovation.Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum & Instruction.