The first page of every unit summarizes the topics that will be covered in the unit. It avoids any jargon and explains concepts and techniques in an easy-to-understand manner.
This book is aimed to be a solid teaching resource for learning Cinema 4D. This book shares tips, tricks, notes, and cautions throughout, which will help you become a better Cinema 4D artist and you will be able to speed up your workflow. As you go from hands-on exercise to hands-on exercise, you'll develop a strong arsenal of skills that combined will form a complete end to end process to creating high-quality projects using Cinema 4D. Each unit builds on the knowledge gained in the previous unit, showing you all the essentials of modeling, texturing, lighting, rendering, and animation with Cinema 4D. Using a structured and pragmatic approach, this guide begins with the basics of modeling, then builds on this knowledge using practical examples to enhance your texturing, lighting, rendering, and animation skills. This book will help you get started with modeling, texturing, lighting, rendering, and animation in Cinema 4D and you will learn some important concepts as well as some of the popular techniques which you can utilize to create any scene in Cinema 4D.
The MAXON Cinema 4D R20: A Detailed Guide to Modeling, Texturing, Lighting, Rendering, and Animation book aim to help you become the best Cinema 4D artist you can be.